Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Children of Invention or Victims of Capitalism?

Money makes the world go round and this is echoed throughout the film in Children of Invention. We see the mother being constantly in debt and in search of quick ways to make more money in pursuit of a more comfortable life. She has neglected her children as a result of working too hard. There is a scene where she has to leave her kids in the toy shop for a very long period of time because she needs to call someone relevant to her work.

Growing up in an environment like this, the children (Raymond and Tina) learn the importance of money but they also learn about the mechanism of capitalism. They may have utilized their creativity to invent things but their ultimate goal is to sell them and make a profit in order to live a more comfortable life, just like their mother. In one way then, they have also fallen into the hands of capitalism and consumerism. They will grow up chasing after material wealth just like their mother and everybody else.

This is just an alternative view of the film and I am sure it is not the director's main intention for the film.

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