Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Audience point of view

In "Letters to John Adams," Abigail mentions her opinion about the national affairs and lets John realize she has been getting along in her correspondance, she also constantly nags him to answer her letters more quickly.  She explains, "I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors" (Adams 320).  I used this quote in my last blog, but this time using it in a different way.  From this quote, we can see as if John is quite indifferent to her wish and her suffering.  Sometimes even avoids writing directly about her constant opinion based letters he receives in a weekly basis.  Abigail counteracts this by implying about her husbands character throughout several letters, which also shows us she has a humble attitude and tolerant character.  However, in the terms of universal understanding, should we consider that her letters comprend the truth, even John Adams opinion?  While reading these letters, our point of view as a reader is dominantly third-person that we cannot get something that the author sends to the audience like Marji's sentences in Persepolis.  So because of this we have no choice but to belive her sentences in the letters are true.  I think it is important to think about our point of view as an audience and let our view be scewed by unilateral point of view.  It is hard to picture her letters then anything other one-sided point of views.  We may not be able to judge the logical opinion in the case of when we believe just her opinion.

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